
  • security1

    Public Safety/Crime Prevention/Emergency Preparedness

    We need to recruit and train more culturally competent police officers. At the same time, we need to work on improving police and community relations! I would make sure that our police forces are spending most of their time and resources on fighting crime, not doing the jobs of social workers. Most federal and state funding for social services — such as mental health, drug dependency, and human services issues — is allocated to the county government. As your City Council, I will strongly advocate for the County government to step up to the plate to address the most urgent issue in the largest city in Santa Clara County. Therefore, frees up the limited city resources to focus on crime.

  • growth1

    Economic recovery

    My third priority is to provide more jobs and business opportunities. A strong economy will solve some social issues while increasing the government’s ability to provide more services to the residents.

    We must invest more in life skills training and promote entrepreneurship for small businesses. With my background as an engineer and small business owner, as your council member, I have helped the city shelter the last recession in the late 2000’s. I am confident we can do it again.

  • homelesness1


    Urgently, the city must streamline the permitting process to allow more houses for any income group to be built in areas that comply with the general plan.  We need unhoused people to be safe and stable. We need a society where human life is valued, and no one’s life is disposable. At the same time, we need to protect our existing neighborhoods and ensure safety for our residents, especially our children and seniors. I will propose a city ordinance to keep tiny homes safe from schools and parks. I oppose RV parking sites in residential or heavy industrial zoning areas. I will work with school districts to build teacher/public employee housing on their surplus properties.

  • infrastructure


    Build the city park next to Kathleen MacDonald High School/Dolores Huerta Middle School in North San Jose as approved in NSJ Neighborhood Plan.

    Build a dog park in District 4.

    More picnic areas in Penitencia Creek Park and exercise equipment, and other amenities in Penitencia Creek Park.

    Better city parks, roads, and bridges maintenance and repairs.

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